The other side of Giacomo Leopardi (Still)

The other side of Giacomo Leopardi

Maybe I should have said something when,
in a low voice you indicated,
carefully, honey remember that I am still
of child-bearing age,
not for any other reason, you know,
it is just that such a fickle word makes me think,
a word uttered in a different way,
and for a different reason,
and the adverbs still and again do not arrest time,
they invoke it,
and it is an imperative while your legs
imprison me with strength never experienced before,
and the instant you push with your pelvis to make
yourself a recipient,
still anchored to each other,
we are a sounding line of this immense sea.

© Copyright 2023 Mauro Giovanelli “Seventy-nine writings or thereabouts”, life, love, death and the usual… second edition – “Settantanove scritti o giù di lì”, vita, amore, morte, i soliti discorsi… seconda Edizione

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