
And I hold you tight,
my love,
and you are still,
just as I want you,
I wish to feel how,
and what you stir within –
for me barely without –
to listen to your breath
on completion of the magic formula,
and in the meantime the residue
between us is annulled,
by this stage frail diaphragms
of flesh and thought,
we are already capable
of governing the world.
Animal reality and womanly reality
melt into the harmony
of your creating essence
and it is sheer poetry.

© Copyright 2023 Mauro Giovanelli “Seventy-nine writings or thereabouts”, life, love, death and the usual, second edition – Translation Italian-English: Philip Mc Court. – “Settantanove scritti o giù di lì”, vita, amore, morte, i soliti discorsi, 2a edizione

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